Monday, June 20, 2005

Lolita and Parineeta

I watched Parineeta alone on my birthday and was floored... simply floored by the character Lolita... I believe that which Lolita felt for Shekhar is the only one worthy of calling love.

However thats not the basis of this piece. This piece comes from a comment a friend made when she said "That kind of love was possible only in the 1960 s and that put me thinking".

Yes, that kind of love was 'plausible' in the 1960s but its not that its not 'possible' today for however much we say dedication and commitment are an integral part of this emotion we call love. If we say the defiition has changed today and dedication and commitment are no longer part of it then lets call it a relationship yes but love, no.

What Lolita offered to Shekhar was herself... completely... thats dedication and only to him... thats commitment... any deviations are just not welcome. It did help matters that she was near perfect in all other matters. She knew just how to behave with whom, cared for one and all, sensitive, unpretentious, reserved when necessary, independent but selfless and breathtakingly beautiful.

Anyway, guess the real beauty of this emotion is each one experiences and defines it in his/ her own way but that is how I would define it.


Blogger Kanishka said...

Well, guess what ... I heard a very similar comment about how lolita is depicted as an embodiment of virtue and that it is not possible to have a person like Lolita in these times. I don't subsribe to that view. I think what we see in Parineeta is only the relevant aspect of Lolita's character, the self-less, committed girl and given that this is a 3 hour movie, the director would be foolish to explore other facets of Lolita's character. There may or maynotbe shades of grey and black in Parineeta's character but as far as her pure love for Shekhar is concerned, it is incredulous to believe that such kind of love does not exist anymore.
I am hazarding into the treachorous territory of semantics and definitions but to me, love and sacrifice are synonymous. That does not mean the you can only love when you sacrifice but it certainly means that when called upon to make the sacrifice for the one you love, you would do it without batting an eyelid or even thinking twice about it. I think love and sacrifice are God's great package deal - the two can only be had together and both are meaningless without the other.
So what some people see as outdated definitions of virtue and love are, in my humble opinion, the only true definitions. Everything else is faff, frill, trivial and irrelevant!

10:56 PM  
Blogger Maharaj said...

love cannot be quintessential as its not properly defined as supratik said. but love is certainly sacrifice and all related nouns...certainly. makes sense...

lolita was a good girl. likeable by all...and hence rarer i suppose...causes dreams. disturbance. longing.

12:05 AM  

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