Thursday, May 04, 2006

Restarting Engines

There has to be a good enough reason for me to come out of this hibernation of blogging. Well in pure JU lingo I think it can be called 'ladh' or you could say that there was nothing that caught my fancy and made me want to blog. There are two kinds of bloggers according to me: One kind talks simply so that they can be heard and the other because they have something to say. None is superior to the other. Its simply the readers prerogative to decide what kind of blogs he wants to read but again true to my nature I digress.

The reason I am back here blabbering is because in some ways my process of closing chapters and restarting engines is well and truly on.

One important dimension of that is that I will shortly be travelling again. Those of you who have been in touch with me will find it suprising that I say this considering that I ve been travelling almost every weekend but then thats not travelling at all since there was nothing new that I was seeing.

The circles in which we move are so similar that it doesn't matter whether you are in Bangalore, Calcutta, Bombay, Delhi or Chennai. You fly in the same kind of aircrafts with the same kind of airhostesses with their same food. You start finding a bit of variations in the taxis, the pubs, the friends but you know at the back of your mind they are all the same. Not that you have a problem with it... in some ways you love them for it... but you also know that you are not growing. You have reached a certain kind of plateau and the only thing growing is your frequent flyer miles not you.

So here s to the travelling, the real travelling that will begin soon. Did I ever tell you that a secret ambition of mine is to visit all the countries who are members of UN before I retire to write my books?


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