Thursday, September 15, 2005


Its funny how one can so easily get used to the drudgery of life in general, in fact not just get used to it but even start liking it, loving it and then get passionately protective about it.

I always thought I was a person who liked to be on the move and if someone asks me what my ambition in life it is really to see as much of the world as possible. Lately however I have been reduced to someone like Mini's Baba (for those who read Tagore, thats from Kabuliwala those who don't just ignore) who while in the comforts of his home explores the world in his mind but when the time comes for him to step out is gripped by a sense of paranoia.

In some ways I can blame my job, and also the fact that I m new to it. Hence even though I have plans made for lots of getaways, long trips etc. none of them seem to be materializing as I m stuck with work. I don't say its completely my jobs fault because I sincerely believe that no organization on earth will collapse if we take weekends off. Rather the weekends off ensure people work smarter and better in the weekdays. Anyway, I hope once I m through with my first project and on confirmation will be able to start on these getaways. If you make yourself available on call always you will be on call. If you are not you won't be. Contrary to all the HR jargon of the world I don't think any organization becomes great by making the individual subservient to the organization. Ironically this idea is far more in line with communist states than a democratic world, and it is the latter that the free market forces prefer.

I digress.

Anyway so right now I am in the process of limiting my expenses (the biggest chunk of which was treating people!) and have launched a 'Paise Bachao Andolan'. Hopefully this endeavour to save will ensure I can earn enough to finance my trips.

What was the purpose of this piece I do not know, but just felt like writing hence let the pen flow.

Sorry to bore you


Blogger Anyesha said...

My favourite Bong is back with a bang ( but why multiple postings of the same post??)...was getting worried. Let me share one of the great secrets of a happy life with you...that job which offers to let your creativity foster in a friendly office space peopled with like minded colleagues and pays as well...well that does not exist.
All jobs at one point or the other turn to drudgery...or else it would not be called a job. The best you can do is to keep yourself growing, motivate yourself to seek out newer horizons and travelling is one of the best ways.
All the best for your paise bachao andolan...good start...anek gyan dilam..should end now.

7:09 AM  
Blogger Anyesha said...

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7:09 AM  
Blogger Maharaj said...

Drudgery...well, the word itself is negative in connotation. So, how can end up loving it? just arguing. Ok i get your are right. But lets see if you feel the same way after your conformation. But maybe if you let yourself be more independent...more can do these getaways more freely and more regularly...its also a learning experience that way i think... :)

We will compare notes after your conformation...which is when btw?

6:00 AM  

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