Sunday, November 04, 2007

A rather interesting day

Every time I decide that I will stop my wild ways and get back to a little bit more semblance of decency there comes along a day which makes it all so worthwhile.
So here was a Friday when I didn’t do a lot that I could have done, hardly touched alcohol, came home in time and went to sleep.
The next day was truly memorable. I woke up with a very stiff back coupled with pain in the neck. The fever of the past few days had also not subsided. However I somehow managed to pull myself through the morning and after a few medicines was feeling a lot better. So went over to a friends place for lunch and then ended up having a few tiffs with a friend on unwarranted comments. Came home and watched a decent movie and as I was feeling better came a call to tell me that a project that I had been very interested in was lost and hence my future was again uncertain. Out went the resolutions, the rum bottles were opened and normalcy was restored. Post dinner, another friend wanted a few discs from my car and so I gave him the car keys. The poor guy ended up banging my new car and it will cost me quite a few thousands to get it repaired and will leave me without a vehicle for a few days. In fact we were planning to drive the car down to Kashid for a holiday but don’t know if it will get repaired in time. Oh forgot! Anyway we didn’t get hotel reservations in Kashid.


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