Monday, May 15, 2006


The world outside is really not as different as I had thought it would be. Yes, the obvious differences are there of cities in the developed world being cleaner and more organized; you seeing a lot of white, brown and black instead of just brown skin around etc. At the end of the day however you see that it doesn’t hit you as much as you think it would as they are all people at the end of the day. They all get off jet lagged flights and then fight for seats to sleep in the airport. They all loiter around aimlessly in the same way in the airport and chatter in a very similar fashion.

One thing that however struck me is that racism does exist though the form has changed. We might not be having “Indians and dogs not allowed” written but wherever you go there is a second glance, raised eyebrow, smirk or sometimes total ignore to greet you but please note the use of the term wherever and not whoever. Just like most things it’s a very visible minority that gives this bad name.

It is this obnoxious minority that looked at you earlier as a total misfit, trying to enter the white man’s world where you don’t deserve to be. Today however there is a grudging acceptance that Indians or even maybe Asians cannot be ignored. They have arrived and are demanding their place in the League of Nations. So while you can despise the fact that they have reached a position to negotiate you cannot do anything about it. There s something of the white mans expectation that its his birthright that the black man will serve him and when the roles reverse and the white man has to ‘Sir’ the brown man, something inside him revolts.

The majority however is immensely polite, helpful and decent. This sense of decency, propriety and gentlemanly behaviour seems to be ingrained in them. So you will find him getting up straightaway to give the lady a seat or putting up the luggage for the elderly lady.


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